Get inspired by Knowledge-centric AI.
Discover how hackers addressed societal issues with the National Science Foundation, over 40 Universities, and partners like NASA, NIJ, NOAA…
Dec 17, 2024
3 to 4 pm EST
AI Knowledge, Rising Stars Pitch!
Remote. Register now to secure your spot.
A new kind of hackathon brought to you by the Knowledge Graph Conference and the National Science Foundation
Partnering with the world's leading research institutions to build the first “Open Knowledge Network”.
Solve social and environmental challenges with Knowledge Graphs, based on the following NSF “Proto-OKN” themes.
Biology and Health
The Environment
Technology and Manufacturing
AI Knowledge to
Preserve Us from Climate Change with a climate model parser with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Combat 2-tiered Justice Systems: Better access to files and better defense for all, with the National Institute for Justice
Improve Fair Representation in Research, beginning with under-represented researchers from hundreds of HBCUs.
Prevent Doom-day Cyber-attacks like the one on the Pentagon during the pandemic and Secure SaaS Supply Chains with CISA
Trace Chemicals for healthier human outcomes, with the National Toxicology Program, Institutes of Health
Enable Multi-planetary Colonization with NASA's genetic & biology knowledge for space medications.
Dream for the Homeless with down-to-earth explainable AI about available services offered by cities, nonprofits, and shelters.
Destress Supply Chains whenever manufacturing is under pressure - as we all know it can debunk our economy for years.
A Ring to... Network Them All: help de-silo all these cool projects into a network that future AI will leverage, open-source.
Partnering Institutions
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Partners - full list
Arizona State University
Columbia University
D.D. Joint Staff – NIEM (National Information Exchange Model)
Fisk University
Georgia State University
Georgia Tech
Institute for Systems Biology
Kansas State University
Morehouse College
National Institute of Justice
National Institutets of Health
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Science Foundation
NIEHS/NICEATM (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
Northwestern University for Data Science
Purdue University
RENCI, UNC Chapel Hill
Roux Institute
Temple University
Texas Southern University
UC Davis
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
University of Central Florida
University of Cincinnati
University of Delaware
University of Maine
University of NC Chapel Hill
University of Notre Dame
University of Richmond
University of Texas Arlington
University of Virginia
Wormeli Consulting
Wright State University